Paint and write your way to free.

Deep down inside you know there's something more but you can't quite put your finger on it.

It seems to be a mixture of misinformed beliefs, disappointment, and confusion that has kept you small, quiet, and afraid to trust yourself. 

You’ve been so indoctrinated to squelch your creative impulses, your wild intuition, your visceral responses. Despite years of talk therapy, you’ve run out of words. You’re sick of hearing yourself tell the same story in 14 different ways to 17 different friends and 3 different therapists.

I get you. 

Please join me for one of these profound, process art group series for up to 8 women to help you find your something more. 


Process Painting Cocoon (in-person and virtual) Mondays 10 am - 12 pm

Process Writing Cocoon Sundays 10:30 am - 12 pm

(Click here for more details)

In these group cocoons you will NOT get: 

  • art techniques

  • writing critiques

  • demonstrations or tutorials

  • constructive criticism

  • suggestions on what to do with “it”

  • nude models or still lives of flowers

  • lessons on structure and composition

Well, what the heck is it then?

And why do you keep referring to them as cocoons…?

What if I told you there is a way to get out of your own way and start really seeing yourself like never before?

Here’s what you WILL get in any process art group cocoon I offer: 

  • safe enough space to meet with your inner critic

  • time to tune into your intuition

  • quiet to listen to the wisdom of your body

  • a new perspective on the silliness of some of your preconceived notions about life

  • recognition of how you limit your self-expression

  • a chance to reclaim your power

  • opportunity to let your inner kid out to play

  • encouragement to embrace the mystery of YOUR Creative Source

…as for the cocoons, they are safe places to turn to mush and goo, to disolve your old familiar ways in order to become what you now cannot even imagine….a protected container in which to transform, expand, and burst free!

** Stay tuned for the next group!

Maggie Evans wearing a "Healing is Sexy" tee

Let me tell you a story…

I failed art in kindergarten. Actually, I didn’t win the coloring contest….because I colored outside the lines. Right from the get-go, I was set up to fail

Innocent inspiration moved me to put color down on that page and proudly hang it next to all of the proper coloring pages that were awarded for staying within the lines — those bold black lines created beloved images of Rainbow Brite and Strawberry Shortcake on rough textured tan newsprint. 

Given a “pre-drawn” image that you’re supposed to step into and give it your own “color” is like being told how we’re supposed to behave in order to get the man, get the promotion, how to be a good friend, neighbor, etc. It’s like being judged on following the recipe perfectly. 

Because you like to do things well, and you’re extra attuned wanting to please — the parents, the teachers, the partners….you’ve got a keen sense of when to be quiet. 

Well, this isn’t a contest and no one is judging. There’s no recipe to follow or checklist to complete. 

You won’t know where you’re headed. And you don't have to be quiet. 

The paint and the paper can take anything you’ve got…without…any… judgment. 

Nothing is too dark, too silly, too profane, too honest and vulnerable. 

Join me down the rabbit hole of your heart and soul.